Monday, March 31, 2014

Panda Emo ~(-∀-~) || Sorry!!

Sorry, it's been a few days since I made a single post ^.^' I kind of lost inspiration over the weekend and ended up playing a looot of League of Legends with my friends instead ~ (nonstop may I add).

Here's a random picture of me in a pandahat D8 ~

black hair emo scene girl panda

Ples don't kill mee~ gyaru gifs emo scene girl blog

I will make a proper post tomorrow, and if I have time, I shall schedule one for Wednesday too! But the day after that, I will go to the doctor and then my boy is coming over for the weekend ~ I always feel so bad when I blog while he's here since we haven't seen eachother in so loong and and I just want us to spend time togetheeer... ~(TTATT)~ And on top of that it's hard to get a moment alone when he's here. We both get so clingy when it's been a while, not complaining though <3

emo scene girl blog

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Japanese Candy! ~ Saigon City – Asian food and drinks!

(Psst! Tip below)

I was really really happy when I found out they opened a very fancy store/café with asian groceries in Nordstan, Gothenburg! I'm rarely out shopping and I have no idea for how long it's been there but I'm guessing it's fairly new and I was very surprised to see such an high class store with asian foods! Such stores are usually hidden in corners of big cities and you have to walk a long way to get there ^.^' this is so close to home, I can just take a buss and I'm there! So awesome~ I have a feeling I'm gonna get chubby soon T.T'

But enough about that! I was going to take pictures of all the Pocky and Panda candies I bought in that particular store but .. unfortunately, I already ate it all D8 *slomp*

But!! Two weeks ago I ordered some candy from this site called (before I had found the one in Nordstan) Thanks, Sandra, for the tip <3

japanese candy hello kitty

Hello kitty sticks that you dip in chocolate ~
@.@ not really my type of candy but damn Sandra made me feel like trying them anyways! They reminded me of pocky but .. I'd rather have pocky <3

japanese candy collon

Wow, the vanilla ones must be my favorite japanese candy yet >//.//< they taste soo good and the packaging is also very cute~ (also bigger than I expected)! They look pretty good on my shelf @//w//@ *tries not to horde them japanese candy boxes<//*

emo scene core girl blog

#japanese #candy #collon #pocky #hello #kitty #strawberry #chocolate #vanilla 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Neko Cosplay - Me with blonde hair

In a recent post I showed a picture of myself in a blonde wig(link) ^.^' I just realised I haven't shown the pictures from that particular part of our day in the studio (along with some others that I will show eventually).

I take a long time editing and I usually never get satisfied with my pictures >.< luckily, Sandra (the photographer) edited these! She edits quicky and the result is always very natural and flawless @w@ click here if you want to check her out ~

blonde gyaru wig neko cosplay
gyaru cat cosplay kitty paws white tiger cute blonde studio modelwhite cat neko cosplay
cute blonde gyaru model

For some of the backstage pictures, click here ~ Backstage Pictures: Studio 2014

I tried the so called puppy eyes makeup here because I thought it would go well with the cosplay ^^ it gives a sweet look and makes the eyes look bigger! Like as if they were about to pop out of your head +.+' no, but .. that's the idea. For those who are not familiar with the puppy eyes, you can read about it at the end of this post ~ Testing Makeup from CandyDoll !

emo scene core blog

#gyaru #cat # #neko #cosplay #kitty #paws #white #tiger #cute #blonde #studio #model #makeup #bigger #big #eyes

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Wing Earrings & Leather Bow Clips!

They have quite a big sale on Glitter right now so this weekend I went there to have a look!

earrings with wings black bow clips

I've wanted to buy earrings with wings for some time now, but all I could find were these tiny ones that came in three ^^' I really wanted a big pair of silver wings, but I bought these just in case >.<' But I'll probably buy bigger ones soon. They had one similar to the ones I wanted but it had an earcuff with it so.. Q.Q'

black bow clips leather
I really like these black leather-looking bow clips ^w^ when I saw them I just thought they were perfect for me since I usually mix the cute and dark styles.. easy clips to put on and won't mess up your new fixed hair. That can really bother me when clips are difficult to apply >.<'
Oh and Glitter had 20% off on all hair-accessories! Luckyy~

winged earrings wings

emo scene core girl blog

#winged #earrings #wings #earring #silver #gold #black #bow #clips #leather #emo 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Detangling Hairbrush - Tangle Teezer by Salong Elite!

So I went shopping yesterday and one of the things on my list was to get a wide toothed comb to use in my conditioning rutine.
Since your hair is more prone to breakage when it's wet, I never brush it before it's completely dried. But when I deepcondition my hair I want to comb/brush through it to make sure the conditioner reaches every single strand. No waste of conditioner here! emo scene girl blog
So I thought of getting a wide toothed comb since it's said to be more gentle with your hair when it's wet.

Even though my head was set for a cheap budget comb, I left the store with this...

 beauty blog tangle teezer review
detangling brush tangle teezer

Tangle Teezer Salong Elite

Apparently, this brush is a 2 in 1, since you can use it on both wet and dry hair. The store lady said that it's even gentler than a wide toothed comb since the big teeth on the comb will rip your hair if it gets stuck in a tangle. 
Meanwhile, this brush has both short and long spikes so it works itself down into the hair softly, without damaging or getting stuck in your tangles.

tangle teezer salong elite review

The store had them in so many colors, I almost went with a purple one but I ended up with this one. It's just so bright and colorful! ~ I liked the black one too but (even thought it might look gross) I want to be able to see how much hair gets stuck in the brush so I can control my hairloss. For example, if I see that my brush gets full of hair in just one brushing, I think over my diet and so on to see if I can change anything to strenghten my hair from within and prevent it.

When I got home, my hair was all messy from a long day, I tried the brush right away! Without any pulling, I brushed my hair slowly, letting the spikes work their way into my hair at their own pace.
It left my hair soft, with no frizzyness! And that's always been a problem for me when brushing my hair, it get's a bit frizzy, electric and hard to handle. I couldn't stop working my fingers through my newly brushed hair. It felt just amazing

I can't wait to try this on wet hair combined with a good conditioner!
beauty blog tangle teezer review
emo scene girl beauty blog

Today's Outfit - Turtles T-shirt ~

Today we had shopping on the schedule and we went early in the morning so we would have time to relax later that afternoon, but as usual we didn't get home until it was dark out ^.^' and unfortunately, I can't take good pictures in the dark so I'll have to wait until tomorrow to post about what I bought today! Soz ~ '

But I thought I'd make a quick post about my *pretty boring* look today ~ 

emo scene girl outfit
I'm so beautiful. *sheds a tear*
Shirt: New Yorker
Jeans: All I know is the brand: Serious Sally

No seriously, I know censuring faces are lame and all but today I just could not take pictures, not even selfies. I'm not sure I've ever had such a bad photoday. I felt like Chandler from Friends when standing in front of a camera....

chandler can't smile
Yep, that was me today. 

About my hair though, I really don't know why the dye get's stuck in my fringe but never my ends. Very annoying I must say
emo scene girl outfit

emo scene girl purple hair outfit

Time to play some Pokemon, then off to bed ~

emo scene girl outfit blog

Sunday, March 23, 2014

My Room Before and After - Cleaning!

My room's been very messy for quite sometime now. I don't know I just don't seem to be able to use something and then put it in the right place again!

So today I realized I needed a big big change. Because let's face it, a messy room can really stress you out. I mean just knowing that I should be cleaning my room instead of doing something else.. can stress me out, even though I'm doing something relaxing. It's like my head's a mess when my room is!

So today, since I didn't have much planned, I spent many hours organizing my room. 

And it was worth it. I don't think my room's ever been this neat! Who could've known that putting an extra shelf in your room would actually GIVE more space than it took?

I'm not gonna be shy about this, I'm really happy with myself today. I think I deserve some shopping tomorrow for sure ~

cleaning messy room
messy room

how to organize makeup
I took the shelf with the TV, that was standing in the small "living room" where no one ever is, into my room! I sure surprised my mother. She didn't think the shelf would even fit there. Well, I made it! >:3

I also organized a lot of my small stuff! Like makeup for example ~

how to organize makeup
how to organize makeup

how to organize makeup

Now the trick will be to get used to having things organized ^.^' the other day I was looking for a pair of tights and I couldn't find them.. because they were in my closet. I'm not used to having my clothes folded and in my closet >.< yes, very sad indeed...

From now I'll do my best to keep my room this neat!

how to organize makeup
how to organize makeup

It's been a busy day so, time to relax with a cup of tea and turn in for the night ~
how to organize makeup
Nighty night ~
how to organize makeup

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Animal Friends - A Deer And a Cat ~

animal becomes friends

The titel says it all, I just love it when different species become friends ~ it just means that anyone can have a special bond, no matter what! As long as we keep our hearts open, anything is possible!

emo scene girl blog

Friday, March 21, 2014

American McGee's Alice in Wonderland Cosplay ~ Part 3

More picture's from our interpretation of American McGee's Alice in Wonderland. 
Even though it was dark and a lot of picture's turned out blurry, I'm quite happy with a lot of them!

Do you like the circle lenses I'm wearing in this cosplay? I made a review about them in another post! Brown Circle lenses post

Enjoy! ~
american mcgee's alice in wonderland cosplay
american mcgee's alice in wonderland cosplay winter
american mcgee's alice in wonderland cosplay
american mcgee's alice in wonderland cosplay
american mcgee's alice in wonderland cosplay
american mcgee's alice in wonderland cosplay
american mcgee's alice in wonderland cosplay

For Part 1 of the photoshoot----> American McGee's Alice in Wonderland Cosplay Part 1
For Part 2 of the photoshoot----> American McGee's Alice in Wonderland Cosplay Part 2

emo scene girl blog