Monday, March 31, 2014

Panda Emo ~(-∀-~) || Sorry!!

Sorry, it's been a few days since I made a single post ^.^' I kind of lost inspiration over the weekend and ended up playing a looot of League of Legends with my friends instead ~ (nonstop may I add).

Here's a random picture of me in a pandahat D8 ~

black hair emo scene girl panda

Ples don't kill mee~ gyaru gifs emo scene girl blog

I will make a proper post tomorrow, and if I have time, I shall schedule one for Wednesday too! But the day after that, I will go to the doctor and then my boy is coming over for the weekend ~ I always feel so bad when I blog while he's here since we haven't seen eachother in so loong and and I just want us to spend time togetheeer... ~(TTATT)~ And on top of that it's hard to get a moment alone when he's here. We both get so clingy when it's been a while, not complaining though <3

emo scene girl blog

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