Sunday, March 23, 2014

My Room Before and After - Cleaning!

My room's been very messy for quite sometime now. I don't know I just don't seem to be able to use something and then put it in the right place again!

So today I realized I needed a big big change. Because let's face it, a messy room can really stress you out. I mean just knowing that I should be cleaning my room instead of doing something else.. can stress me out, even though I'm doing something relaxing. It's like my head's a mess when my room is!

So today, since I didn't have much planned, I spent many hours organizing my room. 

And it was worth it. I don't think my room's ever been this neat! Who could've known that putting an extra shelf in your room would actually GIVE more space than it took?

I'm not gonna be shy about this, I'm really happy with myself today. I think I deserve some shopping tomorrow for sure ~

cleaning messy room
messy room

how to organize makeup
I took the shelf with the TV, that was standing in the small "living room" where no one ever is, into my room! I sure surprised my mother. She didn't think the shelf would even fit there. Well, I made it! >:3

I also organized a lot of my small stuff! Like makeup for example ~

how to organize makeup
how to organize makeup

how to organize makeup

Now the trick will be to get used to having things organized ^.^' the other day I was looking for a pair of tights and I couldn't find them.. because they were in my closet. I'm not used to having my clothes folded and in my closet >.< yes, very sad indeed...

From now I'll do my best to keep my room this neat!

how to organize makeup
how to organize makeup

It's been a busy day so, time to relax with a cup of tea and turn in for the night ~
how to organize makeup
Nighty night ~
how to organize makeup


  1. ooooh it turned out awesome D8 I need to do the same thing with my room...
    And awww you have the picture of Amane I drew on your wall QwQ // <3

    1. D8 haha that picture's been there since I got it from you :DD I love it, deserved a place on my wall of fame <3 *along with two pictures of us, gonna get some more soon!*
      I really like how my room turned out D: and now I can play videogames in here too! <3

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wow! That was really a big change. Kudos to you for such a job well done! Anyway, I love the overall look of your room. It's so cute and girly. Oh well, with regard to keeping things organized as they are right now, I think all you have to do is look at how pretty and neat everything is, and how you can maintain it for the weeks to come. Good luck!

    German Zollinger @ Total Clean
