Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Reason I Haven't Made A Post In a Month - INSTAGRAM!

I will just make a quick post before my next to explain my absence (since I've noticed a lot of people check my blog daily and I think I owe it to them).

No, I have NOT stopped blogging ^.^ but you could say I have been sick.

Not really sick as in sick but, this has been the month of the year where I get my grass-allergies so to speak. The grass spore content has been really high this month and particularly this year so I've struggled a lot to keep up with work everyday along with a runny nose, red inflamed eyes, headaches, itchy throat, fever and the list goes on.

I haven't been able to use makeup in a month and I had to use sunglasses even on rainy days to protect my eyes from the spores.

Long story short, I have not been well enough to do anything and I have been extremely exhausted and tired from this..

Someplace I have been active though is instagram since it has been so convenient and easy for me at this time. If you're interested in more daily updates and a little more about my private life, feel free to follow me there as well!

emo scene girl instagram

As you can see, my username there is also CandyAbuse =^.^= If you are a follower of my blog, make sure to tell me so I can great and thank you personally <3

Thanks for being so patient with me, and thanks to the people who has been commenting posts while I wasn't even posting. It inspired me <3


emo scene girl blog

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