Wednesday, July 2, 2014

How to Look Good Without Make-up

This post will be about something close to my heart, make-up - but also- no make-up.

So this will not really be about a magic beautysecret that will make you perfectly pretty without make-up. (sorry!)

This is my secret about how to look good without make-up. I apologize for the upcoming wall of text.

I started using make-up in highschool (pretty late for the standard girl I guess) But as the years pass, my bag of make-up is just getting bigger and bigger, and my interest for it has increased a bunch. I mean who doesn't like make-up really? So many possibilities!
I can look forward to days where I know I'm going to doll myself up a little extra, like when I'm going to see my darling or going out somewhere with friends.

But, the reason I have so much fun and think it's such a big deal when I spend time putting make-up on, is because I so rarely do it. And whatever you dudes think, girls don't use it everyday. Especially not me (bc I'm lazy and I like to be comfortable qwq).

But back to the subject of this post. I've always been scared to use make-up, especially on a regular basis. Why? Because I've been scared to feel ugly without it.
Because you see, girls, the reason you feel unpretty without make-up, is not because you are but because you THINK you are. Your eyes get used to what it sees every day.
I feel sad when I think about all these beautiful girls who don't think they can walk outside without spending hours in front of the mirror. Feeling like you're not good enough in your natural state is a sad feeling.
We all have days we feel a little more comfortable, maybe a sunday afternoon in front of the TV and a pizza on your lap .. hey, those days are awesome! And everyone deserves those days without feeling like they are unattractive in that state.
Girl, you should walk around in those sweat pants and feel sexy as hell!

So my point is, the problem is not your face, it's your attitude. 

Don't get me wrong please, I love make-up and I would never tell a girl to stop using it or suggest that someone who uses make-up is not comfortable in her/himself. Make-up is FUN. And it's nice to feel a little extra cute sometimes. I'm just saying that you shouldn't feel like you need it.
I want every girl in the world to wake up in the morning, look herself in the mirror and say "Damn, I'm sexy". Because she is. And she deserves to know and to feel it.

I know it's hard to get out of this make-up circle, and I'm not saying to quit but to reduce the amount and just slowly get used to your naked face. Practise in front of the mirror and compliment yourself, you've heard this before. And imo(!), the key to confidence is to fake it. In the end, you'll even fool yourself. Faking a good confidence is not wrong, it will help you on the way to real genuine confidence. It's the same with happiness. Fake it till you make it, I say.

This topic came to me during my month of allergies (which I talked about in the post before this one) and I walked around make-up free for a month, not to irritate my already red itchy eyes.

I also took a few pictures (minimum editing, no cheating here!) of myself without make-up. I wouldn't talk this much about being confident in your make-up free face if I couldn't back it up right?
I hope these will encourage and inspire you to get used to your natural beauty and feel beautiful no matter what.

how to be pretty look good without makeup
cute hipster girl
cute hipster girl
hipster vintage emo
sexy girl long black hair hipster
Yes my eyes are a bit red because of allergies and stuff :'3 sorry if these pictures scared you huehue

So stop looking away from the mirror, embrace your natural beauty and your confidence will shine through and everyone will see exactly what you see. That you're beautiful.


sexy girl long black hair