Tuesday, May 27, 2014

What My Phone-Screen Looks Like!

Haha, random topic but I thought it might be fun to show what my phone looks like ^^ not outside but my theme. I've seen a lot of people do this on their blogs and I sometimes think it's fun to see what kind of creative theme others have. So I decided to show my own!

I really like it since it's so girly and cute ~ I've had this theme for a very long time now. Sure I like variation but I just got stuck with this D: can't seem to let it go yet haha

cute theme for phonecute pink phone theme

I just love how the icons look! All cutified ~ The perfume bottle in the down right corner is were my other apps are.

Unfortunately I don't have a perfectly matched textmessage theme but I've had this for a while too and I think it's kind of cute too ~

cute pink theme textmessages

Hehe, excuse the blurryness~ but yea, this is what my textmessages look like :3 they have these little bear thingies, hearts in the background and tiny ribbons in the upper corner of each message. I also changed the standard font of my whole phone in the options!

Soo this is what my phone looks, insiiiideee >:3 hehe

To install these themes I used the app Go Sms Pro <--link ~
Some of the themes cost money but there are lots of goodlooking ones for free too, like mine!

Once again, thanks for reading! xoxo,

emo scene core girl blog

Monday, May 26, 2014

How to Make Blood Moon Akali Weapons Tutorial Part 1

Hello ~
Yes, I have been quite busy lately, getting stressed out about the anime convention I'm going to with Sandra in July ^^' a lot of things to order and a lot of things to make ~
Right now I'm working on the weapons to my Blood Moon Akali cosplay which I'm planning to wear at the convention!

Well, this will be more like a "How I made my blood moon akali weapons" ^^' if you even can call this a tutorial I'm not sure :3
Since I'm far from finished I will split this tutorial in a few posts but when I make more, the other parts will be linked at the bottom of each post ~

For those who do not know, Akali is a character/champion from the online game League of Legends, and she happens to be one of my favorite ones to play.

blood moon akali cosplay weapon tutorial
 Picture taken from League of Legends forums

Let's get started! ~

What you need:

  • Expanding foam
  • Cardboard
  • Pen or marker (I prefer using a pen first, then fill the lines with a marker)
  • A knife or if prefered scissors
  • Spraybottle with water
  • Old newspaper (to protect the floor from the sticky foam)
  • Cutting board (if you use a knife to protect the floor)

Start out with cutting out a big piece of cardboard, scetch up the weapon in the size you want it to be.

blood moon akali cosplay weapon tutorial

In this picture I have already scetched and drawn the lines with a marker. A tip, just take your time scetching, erasing, measuring and redoing.. you need to be happy your pattern!

blood moon akali cosplay weapon tutorial

Cut out your scetch! I chose to use a knife because I think it makes the edges look cleaner.

Since I want TWO weapons, I used my first drawn pattern to make a second one. I did this by putting my first made one over another piece of cardboard and just drawing a line around the edges. 

Spray the cut-out pattern with the water bottle (it said so on the foam-bottle) then cover one side of your cardboard pattern with the expanding foam. Once again, use the water bottle and spray this time over the foam. This will make the foam dry faster.

This is a picture of when the foam has expanded, so keep in mind not to use too much since it will expand to at least twice the size!

blood moon akali cosplay weapon tutorial

Wait 60 minutes. 
The foam will have expanded and grown a bit harder, but NOT hard enough for you to cut it yet.
Now you can turn the weapon around and cover the other side with foam aswell.

After 24 hours, you can begin to sculp your weapon.

I hope you enjoyed the first part of the tutorial! ^^
Look forward to the second part hopefully coming up tomorrow! xoxo,

blood moon akali cosplay weapon tutorial

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

How to find the clothes you want online

I think we've all been there. You see a picture or a photo online, there's a shirt, dress, jewellery or maybe a pair of shoes you want. But! You have no idea where this item was bought and no idea of where it could be either. Then I've got the solution for you!

how to find the clothes I want online

The Hunt

This must be one of my favorite sites and I use it on a regular basis to find the clothes I'm looking for. It's helped me a lot and now I wanted to share my secret with you!

It's actually very simple. There are two ways of using this site to find where to buy your item.

  1. You make an account and you start a "hunt". All you need to do is use the picture where the item is shown, make a good title and tag it with relevant keywords. You may choose alternatives as "This exactly", "similar to this" and even things like "what goes with this" and "style me"!
  2. You use the searchbar by typing in keywords that describe your item. If you don't find it the first time, just search again using different tags. People might describe the item differently than you would.
    If you find your item and there are no finds for it yet, just follow the hunt and you will be noted when a find comes up!
This site isn't only used for finding items, some people use it to search for exercising tips, books, movies and some people even wants to get help styling themselves

I really love this site, not only because it's easier to find the things that I want, but for windowshopping too! Sometimes I go there not knowing what I want and I quickly find something interesting ~

emo scene core girl blog

Monday, May 12, 2014

New Blog Design - New Header!

Hey! I juust finished the header for my blog and phew .. :'3 I sure took my time with it >.< I always take a while with these kind of things since I'm kind of a perfectionist... I will probably make some minor changes to the design but the header will stay as it is ^^ ... at least for a while 8D

This will be a short post since it's really late but now when my new blogdesign is up I feel very eager to make the posts I have planned ahead!

I hope you feel at home with the new design ~
blog design cute pink emo girl

Thursday, May 8, 2014

White Umbrella with Black dots and stripes

I think I mentioned in another post that Wilma has a really big sale in the village I live in, so I went there to buy a few things that I've been wanting for a very very long time but felt bad to buy them because of the prices...  I'm not cheap I'm just aware of my economy, okay? Q.Q'

This supercute umbrella was one of those things. I've been in need of an umbrella for a long time and now when there was a sale, I saw me chance! See~? All good things come to she who waits!
There was a few colors to choose from but I liked this one since it was the only one with dots and stripes ^.^ the rest was just plain white and palepink.

I haven't used it in the rain so far but I had it with me to Gothenburg last weekend, just in case, and a woman actually commented on it saying it looked really cute! That really made my day ~

cute lolita black and white umbrella with dots stripes
cute lolita black and white umbrella with dots stripes
cute lolita black and white umbrella with dots stripes
cute lolita black and white umbrella with dots stripes

Even the handle is cute, decorated with a cute little tied bow ~ 
My favorite thing about this umbrella is probably the flounces, it really gives the cute lolita look +.+ and I can't lie.. I'm weak for flounces overall <3

Bought at Wilma

emo scene core girl blog

Announcements! Changed settings etc.

  1. This will be quite a short post! I just wanned to inform the regular visitors of my blog who doesn't have a google account that I now have changed my settings of the blog a bit so now everyone can leave comments, no matter if they're following me or not. Just to make it easier in case anyone have a question they want to ask or want to make a request of some kind!

  2. I'm also working on a new header for this blog since this one was supposed to be temporary but somehow got stuck there T.T' ~

  3. Cher Lloyd is giving out parts of her new album, litterally, piece by piece right now :> I want to share one of her new songs that I've been listening to constantly for a while.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Pink Angel Wings Sweater

Just wanned to show one of my favorite clothes right now >w<

This shirt or hoodie, is so cozy I could just wear it all the time! I bought mine in size L but as you can see it's a little big on me even.. ' Japanese sizes tend to be super small so I always buy L when I order from Japan.. this time I wasn't very lucky though. I couldn't return it since shipping takes so much time but at least now I can wear something underneath if I feel a bit cold!
cute pink sweater
cute pink sweater
cute pink sweater

I ordered the hoodie from Yumetenbo ~

I just love the material, I could just sleep in it! And yes, I'm a girl of comfort. I completely adore cozy clothes and anything oversize.. I need to start getting used to tighter clothes soon, with summer coming up and everything ~

emo scene core girl

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Black and White Skull Outfit

emo outfit japan
College Jacket: New Yorker
Skull top: Ghost of Harlem
Cap with studs: Ghost of Harlem
Tights: Ebay
Necklace: Wilma

The necklace, I got from my boyfriend for our 3 years anniversary ^.^ ~

cute heart angel wings necklace
angel wings necklace

This necklace is just perfect for me! I've always been a big fan of angelwings and hearts ~
I fell in love with this necklace but it's even better that my darling got it for me.. this way I can always carry us with me. I feel like the wings really represent the two of us ^//^ ♥

emo scene core girl blog

Friday, May 2, 2014

3 Years with my Boyfriend! ♥

Back after a long time .. ^.^' I'm gonna be lame and just say I've had a lot going on recently!

Like this week... because this wednesday, 30th April, it's been three years since my boyfriend and I started our journey together as an official couple

emo couples cute love

We spent our anniversary in Gothenburg, two nights at a lovely hotel and spent a day at the amusementpark, Liseberg ^__^ I really like amusementparks and being there with my luff makes the perfect date in my opinion ♥ so romantic!

emo couples cute love

Thanks for putting up with me for 3 years, my prince ♥ I feel so lucky to be in love with my bestfriend. I love you, and I hope we can spend an eternity together..
emo couple cute love couples

I'll end this cheesy post with a song that's had a special meaning ever since the first day I met you. Not only because you were the one who introduced me to this amazing band through this song but also because it's the only one that fits us perfectly.

/ ♥