Monday, May 26, 2014

How to Make Blood Moon Akali Weapons Tutorial Part 1

Hello ~
Yes, I have been quite busy lately, getting stressed out about the anime convention I'm going to with Sandra in July ^^' a lot of things to order and a lot of things to make ~
Right now I'm working on the weapons to my Blood Moon Akali cosplay which I'm planning to wear at the convention!

Well, this will be more like a "How I made my blood moon akali weapons" ^^' if you even can call this a tutorial I'm not sure :3
Since I'm far from finished I will split this tutorial in a few posts but when I make more, the other parts will be linked at the bottom of each post ~

For those who do not know, Akali is a character/champion from the online game League of Legends, and she happens to be one of my favorite ones to play.

blood moon akali cosplay weapon tutorial
 Picture taken from League of Legends forums

Let's get started! ~

What you need:

  • Expanding foam
  • Cardboard
  • Pen or marker (I prefer using a pen first, then fill the lines with a marker)
  • A knife or if prefered scissors
  • Spraybottle with water
  • Old newspaper (to protect the floor from the sticky foam)
  • Cutting board (if you use a knife to protect the floor)

Start out with cutting out a big piece of cardboard, scetch up the weapon in the size you want it to be.

blood moon akali cosplay weapon tutorial

In this picture I have already scetched and drawn the lines with a marker. A tip, just take your time scetching, erasing, measuring and redoing.. you need to be happy your pattern!

blood moon akali cosplay weapon tutorial

Cut out your scetch! I chose to use a knife because I think it makes the edges look cleaner.

Since I want TWO weapons, I used my first drawn pattern to make a second one. I did this by putting my first made one over another piece of cardboard and just drawing a line around the edges. 

Spray the cut-out pattern with the water bottle (it said so on the foam-bottle) then cover one side of your cardboard pattern with the expanding foam. Once again, use the water bottle and spray this time over the foam. This will make the foam dry faster.

This is a picture of when the foam has expanded, so keep in mind not to use too much since it will expand to at least twice the size!

blood moon akali cosplay weapon tutorial

Wait 60 minutes. 
The foam will have expanded and grown a bit harder, but NOT hard enough for you to cut it yet.
Now you can turn the weapon around and cover the other side with foam aswell.

After 24 hours, you can begin to sculp your weapon.

I hope you enjoyed the first part of the tutorial! ^^
Look forward to the second part hopefully coming up tomorrow! xoxo,

blood moon akali cosplay weapon tutorial


  1. Replies
    1. I'm sorry, I'll be making a different tutorial now since I remade the weapons :( they are better!

