Thursday, June 28, 2012


Ah, yea I'm sorry for being so lazy with the updating.. but I never blog when I'm at my boyfriend's so.. x3

So, since I got home I've felt this strong urge to spend money o_o it's insane. I'm afraid of myself...
Today I've spent money on makeup, a facial-treatment (hurt like hell D:) and lenses (again) since it was free-shipping till 30/6 .... V.V

And this morning, my mom decided to take me shopping tomorrow! All of a sudden! *faints* Can't wait. I'll probably windowshop most of the time though~ for my own sake :(

Since I really want to improve my skin, I've decided to try a new foundation (the one I just ordered), it's called "i.d. bareminerals", but I think they changed it so today it's just "bareminerals".

~ New foundation ~

Apparently, it's supposed to be really kind to your skin and be so good for it that you don't even have to remove it before you go to bed!

In the store, the price was $70 and the brush for it was about $40 ..
My first thought was "I'm not spending that!"  .. so I went home and looked for it on the internet =^.^=

I ended up buying both foundation AND brush for $38, shipping-FREE!

I have high expectations about this and will probably write what I thought of it later ~


It has been decided that Sandra and Stefan are coming to visit me in august! ^.^ 

love love love <3

I'm really excited! I miss my bestfriends alot.. >w< and it's their first time here so I hope they'll enjoy their stay! <3


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Catching up

So, I've realised that I have alot I've wanned to update my blog with but like I said I never got the time to ^.^' first my boyfriend stayed over for a week and after that I went for Stockholm for a week so.. I'll just bring up some stuff that's happened the past two weeks ~

First of all .. it was absolutely wonderful to see my boyfriend again. Being away from him is torture >.< and I hate it so much everytime we have to part... it's soo painful ! but I guess that comes with being in love huh ^.^' <3

We decided to walk to the lake not far from where I live, looked for a spot were we could be by ourselves and just relax. We took some pictures too and I found out that my boyfriend is really good with the camera! (Pretty late to figure that out I guess..)

Another attempt to catch my love on a photo >: fails everytime

Very very romantic evening but also alot of fun ^.^ I'm glad we went there. <3

Ofc, I can't end this update without a love song right? ~

I love this song, mostly because I recognize myself in it alot!

Oh, and about Eurovision Song Contest 2012, I must say I was really proud of Loreen, winning the whole thing and all.. And I was really happy since this is the first song ever Sweden has sent that I ACTUALLY LIKED o.o

I really want to write some more but I think this is more than enough atm xD ...


- Gabby

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Late update

So, the reason I haven't updated this past week is that I made a trip to Stockholm to visit my sweetiepie-twin, Sandra ^.~ and ofcourse Stefan and little Jenny!

We planned three different kinds of photoshoots but unfortunally the weather was not on our side this week :< rain rain rain!

Sandra and I decided to take a risk and went out for an "animal shoot" in the woods, even though it rained from time to time the same day. We did stand under a tiny umbrella for 20 minutes but after that, we ended up with some pretty nice pictures ^__^ I'm really glad we did that, and it was alot of fun too!

Sample from the animal shoot in the woods....
Clothes borrowed from Sandra-chii ~

I'll update a little more about what we did and stuff later x3 .. there's alot more to tell and ALOT more interesting pictures ~

Just want to say that I miss you guys alot, thanks Sandra and Stefan for staying up all night with me and walking me to the train! I love you ^___^  <3

- Gabby