Thursday, June 7, 2012

Catching up

So, I've realised that I have alot I've wanned to update my blog with but like I said I never got the time to ^.^' first my boyfriend stayed over for a week and after that I went for Stockholm for a week so.. I'll just bring up some stuff that's happened the past two weeks ~

First of all .. it was absolutely wonderful to see my boyfriend again. Being away from him is torture >.< and I hate it so much everytime we have to part... it's soo painful ! but I guess that comes with being in love huh ^.^' <3

We decided to walk to the lake not far from where I live, looked for a spot were we could be by ourselves and just relax. We took some pictures too and I found out that my boyfriend is really good with the camera! (Pretty late to figure that out I guess..)

Another attempt to catch my love on a photo >: fails everytime

Very very romantic evening but also alot of fun ^.^ I'm glad we went there. <3

Ofc, I can't end this update without a love song right? ~

I love this song, mostly because I recognize myself in it alot!

Oh, and about Eurovision Song Contest 2012, I must say I was really proud of Loreen, winning the whole thing and all.. And I was really happy since this is the first song ever Sweden has sent that I ACTUALLY LIKED o.o

I really want to write some more but I think this is more than enough atm xD ...


- Gabby


  1. Skinny guuurl! Lovely pictures, looks nice ^w^<3

  2. HAHAHA I'm not even close to being skinny >: not like you xD
    Thank you so much :'3 <33


    1. Noowaaaaaaai me not skinny but you are. <3
