Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Backstage Pictures: Studio 2014

The people that read my blog probably knows that I was in Stockholm a few weeks ago and had a photoshoot in a studio for the first time in a while ^__^ it was a lot of fun and time went my reaallly fast Q0Q We didn't even have time to eat that day, lol!

So here are some backstage pictures from that day that Sandra took :3 

Oh the mess <3 but we ended up with a lot of great pictures ~


  1. Asg amg I was going to do a post like this too 8''D <3 You look so cute on every darn picture DD8 <3

  2. yaay! 8D aw D: thanks<3 but I should've stolen the camera and taken a few sneakyshots of you too qwq
