Monday, February 17, 2014

My Hairdying Fail

So my original plan was to go from complete black hair till purple fringe and purple ombre (since I luv purple =^.^=) buut after two attempts of bleaching my hair it just turned some kind of strawberry blonde that the purple wouldn't stick to... so the end result was a magic purple/blue/pink/red/black that would show in different lighting! "Cool" would some say, sure D: pretty annoying for me though!

emo scene girl ombre

emo hair purple ombreMore or less what I was going for but that's just the camera on my phone *cry*  

So I went to the hairdresser and bleached it a THIRD time, only to find out (to mine and the hairdressers surprise) my hair won't accept any kind of color at all. It just rejects it ALL. It won't suck in the color, it just lays on my strands and leaves this weak uneven color. So after paying $125, I left the salong with a slightly more bluish purple like I wanted. But that's it.

Apparently, the black "conditioner" I already had in my hair, is repelling any other color, no matter how much I bleach it, while my natural haircolor (like my grown roots) would turn almost white with one bleaching only. Wat is dis I don't even...

So now I'm left with very very worn out hair that I need to spamm nourishment to before I completely freakout QAQ' <--person that is extremely caring for her hair

Good luck to me!


  1. Haha, awe vilken process du fick gå igenom! Har också haft liknande problem. Mitt hår är väldigt.. eh, with its own mind. Så ofta när jag färgar en specifik färg får jag en helt annan. Jag har liksom slutat förvänta mig ett särskilt resultat, mer som att bara roll the dice och se vad som händer. Men ser fint ut på bilderna! Också väldigt sugen på ombre. Med rosa! Kanske blir till vår/sommaren. :3 Anyway, good luck with the haircare!! ^-^
