Thursday, January 30, 2014

Jenna Marbles - What do your nails mean?

Catching up to Jenna Marbles new videos now when I'm back home (with good internet weeh!!)
And I got stuck on this video (being a big nail-maniac and all)
Ofcourse this is not to be taken seriously since it's all jokes and fun but I can't help to recognize myself and others by some of these simple generalizations ~

Warning for "mild" cursing!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Sleeping with Sirens - Low

My absolute favorite song from their latest album.
Sleeping with Sirens will always be one of the bands that are closest to my heart..

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Kitty Update

For those who wonder, our kitty is doing great! She eats a lot, sleeps a lot and ofcourse plays a lot!
She's still rreeeaaallly tiny thought! She can sleep in my hand ~

Her tummy is big though since she has worms but we started to medicate her yesterday so in two days she will be healthy! She was very lucky to find a house with people willing to take care of her.

She's so cuddly, even in this moment she's cuddling with my feet, refusing to ever let met be on my laptop ever. She jumps on my keyboard and attacks my fingers while purring like crazy!

Excuse the no makeup but I really wont bother to put makeup on in this heat... =A=

Really, I can't keep my hands off her ....

New blogdesign!

 Hello, everyone! (or the few that actually read my blog)

I been really sick of my old dark design for a while and my bestfriend convinced me to finally do something about it and make something more happy and bright!

This is just a temporary design though, until I get home and have access to all of my pictures, tools etc!
Still I'm rreeeaaalllly happy about this new bright design and  I can't wait to get started with the posts I've been wanting to share for a long time..
In 3 weeks (if not sooner) I'm going to be updating more outfits, nailart and if requested even a few tutorials ~

 Hope you're as excited as I am and that you will stay with me for a while!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Leather "Goth" Leggins with Lace ✞

Found these gorgeous leather leggins with lace! I love how it looks like shorts with very detailed stockings <3

leather goth leggins with lace

emo scene blog

Monday, January 20, 2014

Get Oh My Lash Sweetheart Collection for FREE!!

Oh My Lash is sending out free samples of their new Sweetheart Collection lashes!

I just ordered about a sample only paying for the shipping! Hurry before the time runs out!!

free eyelashes

eyelash sale

The sale ends the 24th January! =^.^=

To get to the sale, click here! --> Oh My Lash Sweetheart Collection FREE samples

emo scene blog

A Lost Kitten!

Wow, I feel like the luckiest girl alive right now >//.//<  .... *crazy-cat-lady-of-doom*

Hearing a tiny meowing sound at our doorstep, we open the door and there was the smallest little kitten I've ever seen! Just skin and bones..
Since we live on the countryside, she must've walked a looong way to get here! Lucky she didn't get eaten by a snake or anything!

adopted kitten

tiny kitten

kitty with big ears

So, we've adopted a kitten! Her name's gonna be Nambila ("Girl with Big Ears") <3

She was strangely calm and cuddly when we found her, skinny too! >.<
I hope she'll like it here ^__^

emo girl blog

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Brother and Stephdad back in Sweden

I haven't updated as much as I want to because of my brother and stephdad going back to Sweden.
Since I'm staying behind a week longer with my mom, we had to go to the airport (5 hours + 3 hours to visit my greatgrandmother on the way) and then go back home (another 5 hours) and a lot of time got lost on the road...

I will try to update but it wont be lots bc it's my last week here and I don't want it to go to waste infront of my computer ^.^' so ..

emo girl with nice eyebrows

hot emo girl with nice eyebrows

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Dry Hair: My Products! ☆ ( + tips on how to use )

I don't know why but in my case, my hair is very very dryyy .. and I realised it when it was almost too late =w=' Since I went on vacation I've done a lot of things to try to get my hair back on track again!

For now, it seems to be working ~ So I thought I'd share what I use for others with the same problem, how to deal with dry and frizzy hair!

Psst! See how dry and frizzy me hair is in this pic? Disaster D8

dry hair tips

shampoo and conditioner for dry hair

  • First of all, I've started to use the Garnier Respons series with Avocado Oil and Shea Butter ingredients that are famous for adding moisture and softness to dry hair. Perfect for me!


The other shampoos and conditioners before these ones, used to leave my hair tangled when I got out of the shower. I realised I haven't been feeling the soft silky feeling of my hair in the shower for a really long time.. years. But with this conditioner, I felt it from the first time I used it! It left my hair feeling soft and silky when I got out of the shower, and guess what! I could run my fingers through my hair. NO TANGLING WHATSOEVER. I also really believe in avocado oil and I know for sure it gives moisture to my hair! 
Lovely smell too! ^^ 

hydrating hair mask for dry hair

  • Moroccanoil intense hydrating mask: The name says it all. Intense hydrating and you can feel it to the max. Have it on for 30 minutes with a warm towel around your head and you get mega hydration of doom. Your hair will thank you for this...


It's expensive and if you have thick hair, it will run out very very soon. BUT! If you can order a cheap one, this is a product totally worth the bargain. If you want something that works, you will have to give up a little cashmoney, honey.
But remember, if you want to get the most out of this product, have it on for 30 minutes (not more, not less, because after 30 minutes your hair is "full" and won't take up more of the mask. Leave it on more and your hair will get "overhydrated" and very prone to breakage. Compare it to having your nails in water for too long.) Put a towel in the microwave for a bit and wrap it around your hair to make it suck up more of the hydrating goodness ~

4,5/5 (because of the price)

For now, I can't say much of the Aussie product more than the fact that many have said good things about it and I will make sure to try it out soon!

Hope this helped a bit!

Friday, January 17, 2014

My Psychic - curious of your future?

I just wanted to tip about a really good fortuneteller/psychic that I really want to recommend :3

I guess I am sort of a believer of the spiritual but she's very famous in Sweden for being accurate and has turned a lot of sceptics around ~ She's helped me a lot with things I've been worried about...

She can help you find things you've lost, tell you about your soulmate, tell you what kind of occupation that you're best suited for and the list goes on...

Here's the link to her blog, where she puts up her predictions--> Eva the Psychic 
I really enjoy reading what she predicts for others, it's so facinating!

So if you have trouble, you know who to ask ^__^

emo girl with black hair

Curious yet? ~

cute emo girl

Little Girl on a Staircase

Because I wasn't sure what to call this.. ' I found an old photo from 2012 (?) when I was in Stockholm ^.^' 

Photo: Saica <3

cute emo girl

My brother is snoring so much I can't sleep QwQ halp!

Another trip to Stockholm!

There has been plans of going to Stockholm again in the beginning of February, that means..
I'm going to see my bestfriend again after a long time (too long!) :'3

A picture of us from last summer ~ 

Gaah I can't wait, I miss her so much and all the crazy stuff we do D8 <3

Oh, and that also means a few new photoshoots aswell! She's gonna take photo's of me in my "new hair" too ^__^ so excited!!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Unicorn top - my funky outfit!

An outfit I've been wearing a lot this summer in Sweden ^^ I really like the unicorn top <3 I actually wasn't going to buy it at first. When I was out shopping with my boyfriend he saw that top, pointed at it and chuckled a bit. 
"That's pretty cool". And I laughed a bit with him before I said 
"...I bet I can pull that off though"
So I tried it and his answer was pretty much 
"... you actually do pull it off."

So I ended up buying it.. because we both liked it all of a sudden xD How things can turn out when we are out together.... I would never had bought it myself if he hadn't pointed it out!

unicorn top

Unicorn Top: New Yorker
Skull Jeanswest: Gina Tricot
Leggins: Convention (närcon)

This works really well with my blond clip-ons: 

emo girl with blonde
Wearing the "puppyeyes" make-up on this one aswell 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Triangular hairpin idea!

Interesting way of using your hairpins! I actually never thought of this ^^ 
I wanna try this with different kinds of hairpins, like with studs on them!--> studded hairpins
Maybe you can take it to the next level by making a triforce? haha

 source: pinterest

An Unusual Store in Paraguay!

I didn't forget that I was supposed to post about my recent shopping, and it's coming!
When I was here as a teenager, even though the prices were incredibly low back then (a little higher today) there wasn't much to buy. The fashion was different here than it was in Sweden and nothing really appealed to me. But NOW!
The stores sure have been updated, you can find a lot here for incredible prices! (At least for swedes I guess) I think I bough about 10 pieces of clothes for.. 400kr ($62)? maybe?

I will show a lot of my new clothes in sweden! But for now, let me talk about the unusual store I found!

I never thought I would find a store like this in Paraguay of all places! Years ago, this was far from reality!

japan store cute stuff scene

So much coloooorrr <3 .. 

I just LOVE stores like this with FUN written all over it!
And the prices.. a pair of lashes for 10 kr? ($1,5) Uh, YES PLEASE.

When I walked in here I felt like a kid in a candyshop =^-^=  so excited and full of happiness!

Sadly, it was the second we had to leave the town to get home since it was really late and the shopladies stared at me with evil eyes... meuw.

But I'm visiting this store again, and believe me, my wallet is gonna suffer.......

Punky Ponytail - An Alternative Ponytail!

Sometimes I feel like just putting my hair back and not having to deal with it in my face, on a hot day for example! So I was looking for an interesting way to put your hair in a ponytail and I found this..

Different Ponytail Punky

You can find the video tutorial here! --> Punky Ponytail Tutorial

I'm so gonna try this out when I've dyed my hair! I have a feeling it would look really cool ^^ 

- Gabby

Monday, January 13, 2014

Emo/Scene Inspiration Music!

Yes, I actually have some music that inspire me and makes me even more excited about fixing myself up in the days ~

So from time to time, I'll probably post about the..

Music I listen to while:

  • fixing my make-up
  • fixing my hair
  • dressing up 

When I'm going somewhere in the days, the thing I usually look forward to the most is taking my time doing these things! With some awesome inspiring music to go along with it  !

I will tag this musics with BOTH music and inspiration tag! Since the songs give me inspiration to continue experimenting with style, looks and beauty ~ 

I love this song because it reminds me of one of my motos...

Keep your head held high and be proud of who you are.
Remember, the world is your catwalk.

- Gabby

Vaseline Tips

I'm in love with my vaseline =w= It's so useful to me in so many different ways! Like...

how to use vaseline tips

 For my lashes

Yes, especially when I've used mascara, my eyelashes fall off so easily since they get dry and worn out.. So I make sure to put vaseline on them right after removing my eyemakeup and going to bed. 
This is also a good way to make your eyelashes grow long! 

So you do this: 

  • Use a Q-tip, your finger or maybe a disposable mascara brush
  • Dip it in the vaseline and draw it under your lashes (be careful not to get it in your eye! >.<')
  • Draw it along your lashline (above your lashes)
  • And finally draw it through your lower lashes
  • Sleep ~ 
  • Remove the rest of the vaseline (if there is any, I usually end up with nothing in the morning ^^')
  • Enjoy your moisturized, healthy (and probably longer, thicker after a while) lashes! ~

beautiful long eyelashes

 When dying my hair

How to avoid hairdye on your skin while dying your hair? This is the best answer! I litterally adore this tip, since I love it when my hair is just-dyed, I hate it when it's ruined by black spots on your face and ears.. And I tell ya, black hairdye.... not so easy to remove. 

 So you do this: 

  • Put a (not too thick) layer of vaseline along your hairline
  • on your ears
  • and in the back of your neck
  • When you're finished putting the dye in your hair, just use a cottonpad or a tissue to remove the vaseline... and there goes the hairdye with it! Super simple!

 When painting my nails

Are you like me, a little bit shaky when applying nailpolish? Believe me, it happens a lot! 
If you have the habit of getting nailpolish on your cuticles and on the sides of your nails, this is the tip for you!

So you do this: 

  • Use a Q-tip (gotta love those) dip it in vaseline
  • draw the Q-tip along your cuticles and around your nails (make sure not to leave any vaseline on your nail because it will make the polish not stick to it!) This is also a good way to moisturize your cuticles!
  • Paint your nails as usual
  • Use a clean Q-tip and drag around your nails, removing the vaseline and the polish outside of your nail with it!

A lot of people also use vaseline for their lips, as a lipbalm but also as a lipscrub (vaseline + sugar)! I have not tried this but it's an idea ^^ I use a supergood lipbalm already, that I litterally can't live without since my lips get dry so easily... (unfortunally, I think you can only buy this in the swedish drugstore at the moment but I will keep my eyes open)!

Hope these tips were useful!

- Gabby

Hair change

So I've booked an evening (when I'm back from Paraguay) with my 'personal hairdresser' and decided what to do with my hair.. I've wanted a change for a long time now, and I've finally gathered the courage to try a little color in my hair ^.^'

I've been all black hair for about three years now and I feel like it's time for me to try my own boundaries! Since I'm really comfortable with black hair, I'm sure I'll return to it quickly enough.. but since it's so easy to go from any color to plain black, I shouldn't be too scared of trying other colors.

My hair has been very very DRY for a long time now and since I bought new products to fix this I decided to cut it to save some product and get rid of the dry ends....

with this shorter cut, I think it would be cute with some color aswell :3 BUT! I won't tell you yet what I'm going to do! *teehee*

This summer, I want to try other colors aswell! I've always wanned to try being a redhead for once ~ but before that I'm going to be black haired again for my Snow White shoot with Saica :3 woop! Look forward to that!

A bad picture of me in my purple wig: 

purple hair

- Gabby

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Alternative Photoshoot: "Crow"

Another alternative photoshoot with Sandra ~  It's her editing aswell :>

Modell: Me/Candyabuse


emo hipster photoshoot

emo scene hipster

I really like this look and I enjoyed the photoshoot a lot! 
It's so exciting mixing styles together, this reminds me of some alternative rockabilly hipster emo D8 even though I was going for something like "Emo hipster" V.V'

Click HERE for more photo's from this shoot !

- Gabby

Zalando SALE - Lola Ramona

Since I completely adore this brand, but hardly ever buy from it since it's very pricy.. I thought I would tip about this sale on Zalando !

They have sales a little bit all over the site but since it's a lot of the best shoes of Lola Ramona on sale right now, I wanned to show which ones!

I really love the Lola Ramona brand, not just the shoes but the bags too! They are so different from any other brands and sooo much Alice in Wonderland imo <3

Lola Ramona: These are on sale right now...

Click this link to come to the sale: Lola Ramona Sale !

- Gabby

Sneakers with studs, Converse-looking

Today we went from Paraguay to Argentina for a fullday of --- shoppiiiiing! *hands in the air like a dork* ~

Uhm, so since it was dark when we got home today, I can't show what I bought exactly (but I did find some goodies for almost no money at all) but I promise to put some pictures up as soon as I can tomorrow..

To the topic: I found these awesome shoes in a tiny shoeshop in Posadas, Argentina!

If you like the design of converse shoes and you want a "a different kind of converse", you'd fall in love with these too!

Platform Converse/Sneakers with studs:

With a pair of ripped black jeans, I just know it would look so awesome +.+'  it goes really well with the clothes I've been using recently...

I see these shoes with a somekind of K-pop outfit ^.^' I'm really inspired by the fashion in K-pop, especially these girls *points down*

I imagine these shoes with something like this: 

2NE1 source: google

So now you probably wonder, why did I not get these shoes? Well the awful truth is, they were too small.

Yes yes, curse my bigfeet! T^T'  but fear not!

I will keep an eye out for these in town AND online, and if I find them again I will post them back up ^^

- Gabby

Psst! Looking for more feminine shoes? Look over HERE !