Sunday, June 9, 2013

Tea ~ !

I'm currently in a tea-period =w= (again). Ofcourse I always love tea, but sometimes I have weeks(?) where it becomes a part of my daily life and I can almost always be seen holding a cup.

Mostly because I have a bad habit of waiting for tea to cool... and most of the time it gets too cold. So I end up reheating it in the microwave over and over ^.^' maybe because sometimes I just enjoy the warm sensation it gives me when I hold the warm cup between my palms.. it's very calming ~

There are so many ways you can drink tea, (with sugar, milk and so on).
I think I like almost every way! I don't prefer any, I drink it the way I feel like it in that moment ^.^ Though I do prefer honey before sugar! It's quite a difference between them..

Click picture to read =^.^= that's some fun stuff right there!
Like the picture says, tea is quite the magical drink ~

If you were to ask me what tea I like the most, I would say:

"Oh I know, it's uh it's *getting all excited* .... : D  .... I don't know." *slomp*

Uhm, I think I like almost all of them >w< ... I love the excitement of trying a new kind of tea! *weird I know* So when I come to a friends house or someone else and they offer me tea, I take the one I haven't tried before :> It's the variation and all the millions of different flavours of tea that makes it so special and exciting, don't you think so?

Ahha, not to mention how very healthy it is!

At first I thought only green tea was any good for you but it turns out,
all of these has some unique positive effects on your health!

Google will tell you lots more ^w^ !

So, don't be scared and drink away! (that tea I mean :3 mehe)

- Gabby

Eh sry ~ (Personal post) 8D

I know I was gonna try and update more but when I got home my life got spun around a bit and I haven't really been in a position to update ^.^' and I sorta got lazy, paha 8D
Another reason is that I haven't been feeling well and today I actually fell ill so I've just been sleeping it off all day >.< hah.

But lately I've been hanging out with my friends a lot, playing around and I actually took a dip in the lake the other night D8 buhhrr !


- There will be a week of no updates at all :3 cuuuz, I'm going to my best friend's house (in Stockholm) to play and maybe even take some photos as usual ~ I will try to update with more photos from our shoots I know I have been rly bad with that, its just that my blog is so badly designed (by me teehee) so all of my pictures appear really small >.< I suck at this website-stuff but I will make sure to fix it somehow.....*sorreeh*

In other wooords... I WILL be updating more when I get home in a week or so :3
It's not over till the fat lady sings, aye!!

^_____^ Hope everyone is enjoying the beginning of summer and holidays! I know I am.

*pictures from the previous days*

 Hohoo, I found this when I was out grocery-shopping +.+
it looks pretty in my bookshelf <3

 Took this before I jumped in :3
It wasn't cold but I still had a hard time @.@' tehe
*whimp and sensetive to cold*

My fwiends and moi 8> BBQ ftw
*yes, I'm eating stuff and enjoying life right now D8<*
Happyness equals food, k?

- Gabby

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Pic-nic ~

Just came home from my boyfriend and met up with two close friends, and we had a fatty picnic =^.^= haha, since the sun was out for so long, we could sit there and talk for a while ~ I just love the summer! <3

Sweet little Moa at the right, and me ~

Omnomnom! ~

Thanks for playing with me, lovelies ~ ! ^w^ <3

So now when I'm back home it will be interesting how my days will look.. probably a lot different.
But I will try to blog as much as I can! And try to keep it at least a bit interesting :3 eehhe..

Now I'm off to play The Sims 3 ! <3

Let the geeking begin!


Saturday, June 1, 2013


[Drawn by my bestfriend, Sandra]

I have the bestest friend in the world <3

<3 I dedicate this post to you <3 C:

I Love You ~ <3

- Gabby