Saturday, September 22, 2012

Work, work, work..

Sry, I haven't blogged in a while (for the few that cares 8D) but I have had tons of work this week and I rly didn't expect that!

It's getting colder so I've been freezing alot and haven't been feeling well ^.^' but I'm eating my vitamins and dressing myself in three layers! ~

My next day free from work will be Tuesday, and that's also when I get to see my dear boyfriend again~ miss him alot >.<

Please make time go faster ~

- Gabby

Monday, September 10, 2012

Kawaii Not.

This is really "cute gone bad" ..

I honestly don't know how to describe this..  just odd.. and entertaining.

"Kawaii Not" also makes clothes apparently 8D I know what I want for christmas <3

- Gabby

Friday, September 7, 2012


I saw this video a long time ago and.. wow.. I still can't believe it x'D

Apparently, hot girls have problems too ~

I must say my favorite part is;

"they see my blonde hair, blue eyes and class
but they don't know I have a really big.. heart."

*dies* The songwriters did that on purpose, I swear.

Sorry for the random update, I just have to sometimes xD
Hope you find it just a little bit entertaining though~


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Peanutbutter Cupcakes ~

I know I'm not a very good baker... (or cook..)... '

Somehow, I always manage to fail in the kitchen. I don't think I've done anything in there without doing at least ONE thing wrong and sometimes I can't even figure out what!

... but at least I try ~

I love making cupcakes anyhow ^.^ <3

 Omnomnom ~

At least they taste like they should! (I hope..')

- Gabby

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Heels with bows - Lola Ramona

I want these so badly.. QwQ !

  Oh the heels.. <3

 Too bad this lovely pair, isn't on sale anymore :'''<

I must admit I fell in love with this brand.. it's so much Alice in Wonderland <3 And also, I'm a die-hard fan of bows... ( ´ u ` ) <3

Soon, a bag with similar design will be in my possesion... +.+ hehehe.
Just gotta get the money first.. ~

Label: Lola Ramona

- Gabby

Monday, September 3, 2012

Welcome to Tokyo

I just felt like I had to share this with you.

The japanese girls are so cute <3

... the most accurate interpretation of japanese popculture ever?

I actually like the song too, I wish there was an extended version TwT lalala~

- Gabby

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Summers End

Another update out of boredom.

These last couple of days I've been preparing myself mentally for the upcoming period of darkness and cold. I'll probably regret that I haven't been out in the sun alot +.+' .. since I've missed it so much this year... Summer sure went by fast, huh?

Well... to cheer myself up I'm just gonna do alot of the stuff I like to do and be around people I know makes me feel happy <3

Cuddling up in a sofa with a warm cup of tea doesn't sound nearly as cozy in summer as it does in winter, right? <3

Laters ~ !


Saturday, September 1, 2012

Can't sleep.

Working my way through Sai, lacking other things to do.. ^.^'

Progress so far;

Click for bigger picture ~

I must say, I'm glad Sandra pushed me to continue working on it =w='' it looks much better after a little work heh ~  I guess I kindof need someone pushing me sometimes <3

Ah, random note, it's a character from one of our (many) roleplays ~ Mika.

I guess I'll post the finished one here too.... if I ever finish is that is hehe~

Oh and I've been listening to this song for an hour straight now.. '

Maria Mena sure is good for your ears <3

