Tuesday, August 28, 2012


I'm starting to wonder if a so called "bad hairday" really excists.. you know.. when your hair has no reason to look horrible but it just does? On those days, it doesn't matter what I do with my hair.
I usually just give up and avoid mirrors for the rest of the day ........

On these days, I swear my hair's got a life of its own ...

And guess what? I'm out of hairspray too! *whoopie~*

One thing kinda sucks less though.. my dance-classes start today ~
Let's see how I manage 6 classes instead of 5 this semester... it'll be hard work but I kinda like it that way!

Speaking of dancing, if you haven't seen this video, you really should.
It's my obsession of the month kindof  ^w^' ~

I really want to learn this dance, it looks like so much fun <3

Then I'm off ~ 


Monday, August 27, 2012

Back home again/Sushi!

Hii ~ yesterday I came back from Skåne early to prepare for the evening we've been planning with some of my friends. Too bad, not everyone could make it..

We've talked about having a "Japanese-Evening" since we've had "African-Evening" once before ~

And ofc, we made sushi! My favorite dish ~ (^-^) !

Here's a couple of pictures of our lovely creations, even though my two friends helping me were beginners, they ended up really well!

I think we were pretty creative in our making too~

Dinner! omnomnom.... +.+

Julia brought wasabi-nuts..
...which we tasted and then spitted out <3


The pictures were taken my Elisabeth ^-^ (except the last one ehe <3) since I forgot my camera at home @w@'' ~

We ended the evening with a bunch of Sailor Moon episodes I had brought.

I looove Sailor Moon  ( ´ u ` ) <3

Thanks for reading~!


Monday, August 20, 2012

My 2nd pair of circle lenses

Going to Skåne for now to visit my boy ~
Wearing the lenses to scare his socks off :333

New lenses, brown ~

I really suck at taking egopics, and I mean rreeaallly suck..
I guess Sandra is the only one able to take my picture properly V.V !



Sunday, August 19, 2012

New haircut (kindof?)

Has it been that long since I last updated?!   ... Sorry ^.^' ~

News; I cut my hair!

Woop woop!

I have to admit I have a problem putting down the scissors when I've started....

- Gabby