Friday, March 9, 2012


Been taking medicine for days and I still don't feel well.. T_T ugh!
I actually got alot better the day after sleeping for 20 hours but when I went to work the next day, I kept feeling worse.. my headache's been killing me, my fever came back and it's not very easy to hang in there with 20 children screaming all over..
...maybe I should listen to people sometimes and just rest <w<

BUT! No time for rest atm ~ Tomorrow will be a good day because I'm going to Gothenburg for some shopping and an overnight stay at onee-chan's house :3 (Nayu) Pics might come up!

I wanna sleeeep.....

I don't really want my bad cold to pass on to her (especially since she was recently sick too), so I'll keep my distance and try not to hug her that much :3

Stupid throat TwT making me feel sick.. going to bed!

- Gabby


  1. aaahw :< hope you feel better soon! <3 (drink tea, eat soup, wear socks when you're out of bed and rest alot! <-- momah 83)

    1. haha aaw QWQ I felt worse the next day so I had to stay home and sleep AALL day....
      Thanks for the tip mommy <33 !

  2. Replies
    1. thank youu D: had to stay at home and rest all day.. no trip for poor me! (sry i wasnt allowed to be on the comp anyways so we wouldn't have been able to mom T__T)
