Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Muscles aching

I'll just make a quick update just to complain a little.
I can't believe I STILL get muscle-pains from dance-class when I've been doing it for almost three weeks now! You'd think my body would have gotten used to it by now, but apparently not..
I'm not even that flexible anymore and it sucks >:I seems like I have to start all over again.. no way I'll take a break from dancing again, EVER!


- Gabby

Monday, February 27, 2012


Well, what do you know? Just when I thought summer was on it's way it starts snowing all of a sudden xD
Though I had a feeling it would happen.. at least I heard the sun will come out again tomorrow :3 can't wait!

Guess I'll just have to enjoy my snow-day then!

That reminds me of....

Yea, he's pretty awesome.. xD

We're lucky to have so many weirdoes among us, right? 

- Gabby

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Xat !

This can actually happens sometimes when I'm bored.. I visit places I haven't been to for a while (a loooong while) and when I'm lucky I actually meet people I haven't spoken to in ages. It feels good to know that they're well even though we never talk anymore :3

Talking about old memories is always a pleasure ~

I need to thank Ace and Barry for not forgetting about me after all this time lol xD
And I need to appologize to Yoko for not remembering him... =w= .. im so sorry Yoko QwQ (who I still cannot remember tbh)

I'm lucky to still have contact with Shannon, Crow and Ace Q.Q and I need to message Masi soon..
I miss Natsu too! ; w ; <3

Since you MAY have read all of that, and is probably bored out of your mind I'll share the song I'm spamming right now! :3

The Perfect Scene - Mercy Mercedes

Bai for now!


I wanna spend!!

Okay, I've been thinking about my economy recently.. and it sucks :<
I have SO many things to save up for, mostly travels I really want to do this and next year..
I'm also saving up for a new camera and I STILL owe my mom alot so I'm practically gonna pay for my own drivers licence now.. lol

And ofc, I look at all these clothes and go like "aaahh...."
But NAKA! :<
Looking never hurt anyone though <3 .. or does it? It sure feels like it hurts to me.. TTwTT

ooooh that skirt .. <3

..*drool drool*..

Life sure is unfair *sob* ....

I have a low budget each month since I have to spend some money on necessities and also for traveling down to my boyfriend a little now and then (who just HAD to live so extremely far away T.T)

Maybe a walk can cheer me up...

Take care everyone! 

- Gabby

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Out for a stroll ~

The weather's actually been quite nice today so I decided to go out for a bit :>
I'm the sort of person that doesn't really enjoy the halfyear of winter in Sweden.. so I spend most of the time just longing for summer ^^ it's been a long wait.. but now when it's going the right direction again everything feels so much better somehow!

Summer 2011, photoshoot with Sandra-chan :>
Me and little kitty, Ren <3

I've missed the blue sky, especially the sun. Hope it's as lovely tomorrow so I can go on an even longer walk!

Hope you have lots of sun where you are too!

- Gabby

Thursday, February 23, 2012


First day of my job at a kindergarden and as I thought, it's not really a place to have long nails at ^.^' ofcourse I broke about four of them when I was playing with the children at the swings (It didn't hurt though, I was pretty lucky).
And here I thought I was regrowing them to their usual length :< this sucks. I really wanted to have long nails for our next photoshoot. I'm not a fan of fake-nails but I guess one time couldn't hurt..

Pretty freaky, aye? It's what I'm used to though..

Oh, and my first day was pretty cool. I don't admit it very often but I do have a soft spot for kids.. even though I'm not very patient and with my temper it's not always that easy.. But their cute, aren't they? ~

Bai for now!


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Valentine's Day

I know it's a little late, but I really wanted to show you what I made for my boyfriend for Valentine's day x3
First of all, I went out of bed before him and made him a gigantic breakfast made of american panncakes and prawn-sandwhiches. It was appreciated indeed~ oh, hah, and ignore the screwed up eggs ^_^''


I also prepared homemade chocolate two days in advance!
I was so nervious since it was my first time making them and I didn't have everything I needed so I had to use what I had and they didn't end up exactly how I wanted them to.. *drop* 

Truffles, decorative chocolate and random "pralines" ~ 

I still think they ended up quite well for a first time, even my mom told me it was a job well done, made me really happy and a little proud even ^.^' !

Cute heartshaped box and with pink decoration-paper <3 

Not really sure how they all tasted, but my boyfriend was really content and ate it all very quickly <3
The truffle-thingies was appreciated at home too and was gone before I knew it, my mom even wanted me to make some more today (which ofc I will ~ )

Oh, before I forget haha I also gave him something I ordered from Japan.
He doesn't have any gloves so his hands get really cold in the winter when he goes out to smoke so I thought of this cute idéa instead.

He's got my heart <3

It's a Hokkairo pocket-warmer. It's very popular in Japan but even over there, the heart-shaped is a rare one! Most are disposable but this is a semi-permanent use eco type :)
He loved that one too ~

We didn't go out or anything, just watching movies at home enjoying eachothers company ^^ it's hard having a "special day" with someone when every day feels special with him, am I right? <3

Have a great day people!

- Gabby


Okay, so this is my very first public blog and also english isn't my native language so please be a little patient with me~
First would be some facts about me I guess :3 that'd be fun right?

Name: Gabby
Origin: Sweden/Paraguay
Hobby: drawing, modelling, dancing, singing, photography, reading, computer/video-games ~
Music: I rarely LOVE every song in one genre. But I mostly take a liking in j-pop, k-pop, j-rock, metal, reggeaton and just some normal pop- and rock songs >:3 sometimes even country

I'm addicted to manga/anime, clothes from and most things concerning Japan ~
I still love pokemon, bite me.
I'm a hopeless romantic.
I dislike shallow and self-centered people.
Lucifer lives in my bed.
And like it says in the title, I'm a hardcore sugar-addict
(No joke, it's really hard to stop ; w ; )
I also have the best boyfriend in the world whom I love vey much <3

I think that'd be all for now, if I missed something, don't be afraid to ask aye?

Like anyone cares ima put up a video of a movie I just saw today. It was pretty nice x3 i often like vampire-movies. I'm not sure if it's a horror or not bc it had it's funny moments ~
I won't send a trailer cuz it kinda gives it away but I will send the credits bc I liked the song >:3

Movie Fright Night